Policy Report (co-author) – Broadbent Institute; British Columbia: An Electoral System For All
A report developed for the Broadbent Institute, advocating PR in advance of the 2018 B.C. referendum on electoral reform. Read the full report

Journal Article (co-author) – Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, Special Issue; The Informed Citizens’ Guide to Elections: Current Developments in Democracy, pg. 75-86 (2019).
Submission regarding the B.C. 2018 electoral reform referendum, written with co-authors Megan Dias and Maxwell Cameron.

Book Chapter (co-author) – Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy.
Chapter 10. ‘Doing things better together’: Industry capture of climate policy in BC…308. Shannon Daub, Chuka Ejeckam, Nicolas Graham & Zoë Yunker. Editor: William K. Carroll

@ChukaEjeckam  |  Chuka.Ejeckam@gmail.com